Motts vs treetop apple juice
Motts vs treetop apple juice

motts vs treetop apple juice

This boils down to organic chemistry that I will not bore you with, but basically, it's like trying to run a car on a 1/8th of a gallon of gas. Well, farmers try to compensate this by picking fruit before it's ready, so it can ripen on the way to the store. When you get produce from a big store, I have bad knees for you, your produce is probably close to 2 weeks to a month old already, when it gets to the store, because of packaging and shipping, and all that nonsense. It all comes down to corporate standards. Lol, not really, here's my long drawn out explanation Regardless: Don't forget the magic blend of apples if you're making cider: 50% sweet, 35% sharp, and 15% bitter! Sure makes you appreciate the prices of juice at the store- or makes you wonder how they make it so cheap. I've read that apples yield anywhere from 2/3 to 3/4 of their weight. It's up to the yield efficiency of the apples and the method you use to extract the juice.

motts vs treetop apple juice

So if you made juice out of just Gala apples that's roughly 1.88 to 2.8 to 3.9 gallons. Apples have different grades which are determined by their size, weight, and diameter- I'm not sure the grades of the apples I have priced. These are likely 40# boxes, which could yield anywhere from 240 oz to 360 oz to 500 oz (give or take a lot- I Googled those opinions). You could use a Breville Juicer and purchase cheap apples at restaurant supply stores like Cash N Carry or local producer-to-restaurant suppliers who have "dock" sales where the average Joe can still purchase their products.Įxample prices at Rinella Produce, Portland, OR:

Motts vs treetop apple juice